Turkey Day is approaching fast! Many of us are looking forward to enjoying some football and great food with our loved ones. Your furry pal will no doubt be paying close attention when those yummy dishes start coming out of the oven! Just be very careful with what you feed your pet: many of those delicious seasonal favorites are toxic to dogs and cats. Here, a Marietta, GA vet lists some Thanksgiving foods that are safe for pets.
Meat, Fish, and Poultry
Feel free to share some of that holiday turkey with your furry friend. Just be sure to only give your furball plain, cooked, boneless turkey, with the bones and skin removed. The same rules apply to meat and fish. Be careful with fatty meats, however: bacon, sausage, and other greasy meats could make your pet sick! Ask your vet for specific advice.
While not all veggies are safe for our four-legged friends, some are fine in small amounts. You can give your furry buddy cooked, plain, mashed or sweet potatoes; pumpkin; squash; green beans; spinach; peas; or carrots. Just be sure to hold the seasonings: butter, herbs, sour cream, and other toppings are not safe for pets.
Always do your research before offering your furball any fruit. Some things, like bananas, apple slices, or blueberries, are fine, but others are very dangerous for Fido and Fluffy. Never give your four-legged friend pitted fruits, especially avocados. Grapes, currants, and raisins are also on the no-no list: they’re very toxic to pets!
Custom Treats
Why not offer Fluffy a can of tuna for her special dinner? Shredded deli meat is another good option. As for Fido, indulge him with some muttloaf, which you can make from hamburger, eggs, carrots, and whole-wheat flour. Or, make your pup some homemade doggy treats. Look online for some great recipe ideas. Just be sure to only use ingredients that are safe for dogs.
Dangerous Foods
As mentioned above, meat on the bone; pitted fruits; and grapes, currants and raisins are all toxic to pets. Some other foods that are dangerous to Fluffy and Fido include garlic, onions, and scallions; chocolate; caffeine; alcohol; raw dough or yeast; nuts; and products containing xylitol. Ask your vet for more information.
Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Marietta, GA animal hospital, anytime!