
Meet Ukraine’s Favorite Celebrekitty: Stepan

With the events unfolding in Ukraine, many people—including ourselves—are extremely concerned for the safety and well-being of not only Ukraine’s people, but also its pets. While much of the news is very grim, there are some stories that offer a bit of hope. One of those would be the saga of Ukraine’s favorite cat: Steven. A Marietta, GA vet discusses this celebrekitty below.

Cool Kitty

Stepan is best known for being laid back. He’s made quite the impression on social media. The kitty has over a million followers on Tiktok, and about 800k on Instagram. Of course, being reposted by Britney Spears probably didn’t hurt, either!


Stepan, who is now 13, was born in 2008 in Kharkiv. His human, Anna, found him as a kitten. During the quarantine, Anna started making videos of Stepan from their high-rise apartment. It turned out that the tabby was an overnight sensation: that first video now has millions of views.

Rising Star

Stepan’s celebrity status has not gone unnoticed: he’s gotten offers from some huge companies, including the Discovery Channel and MTV. He’s also now an official kitty brand ambassador, promoting both local and international companies. If you look closely, you’ll see pictures of the furball relaxing with a $2800 Valentino purse!


We’re happy to report that Stepan is safe. When the invasion began, Anna and Stepan went into a bomb shelter. They kept their Instagram updated, uploading pictures of the local destruction and calling for peace. After spending two nights in a basement, the pair took a 20-hour train ride to Lviv. From there, they joined 4000 other refugees in line at the Polish border, waiting 9 hours to cross. The World Influencers And Bloggers Association helped them reach a safe house in France.

How To Help

While we’re happy that Stepan is safe, there are many kitties and other pets that are not so lucky. If you want to help, consider making a donation to one of the many animal rescues that are helping them. Some good ones are HSI, IFAW, and AWI. Of course, you may be hard-pressed to keep up with Stepan. The kitty has raised more than £7,000 for charities providing aid to animals caught in the conflict. That’s pretty impressive for a cat!

As your Marietta, GA animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering top-notch veterinary care. Please contact us anytime!


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