
Holiday Gifts for Puppies

Has a puppy just joined your household? Congratulations! Don’t forget to get some adorable pics of your pet’s first holiday season. This is also a great chance to get little Fido some useful presents! Here, a Marietta, GA vet lists some holiday gifts for puppies.


Toys would definitely get the number one spot on little Fido’s wish list. Offer your puppy a wide variety of toys, including chew toys, squeaky toys, and puzzle toys.

Gift Box

Did you know that you can sign little Fido up for a monthly subscription box? Your canine buddy will be super cute when he gets his box of goodies every month.


Make sure little Fido has a comfy bed to snuggle up in at the end of a long day. Being a puppy is hard work!


If your puppy isn’t crate-trained yet, we strongly recommend you start working on this. Your pooch will need to be crated sooner or later, either at the vet’s or while travelling. This will be much easier for him if he thinks of his crate as a safe little den.


Nothing gets that cute tail going like the thought of a yummy treat. Store-bought snacks are fine. You can also make your puppy some homemade doggy snacks. Just be sure to only use pet-safe ingredients. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Doggy Toothbrush

Doggy dental care is very important! Get little Fido started on the right paw in this area by getting him a pet toothbrush and some doggy toothpaste. Pick a yummy flavor, like beef or chicken, to make this even more fun for him. Dental-formula treats and chews are also good options.

Pawdicure Kit

To teach little Fido to enjoy getting his claws clipped, get him some clippers with sensor and a big bag of treats! Paw balm or wax also make good gifts.

Grooming Supplies

Get your furry buddy used to being bathed now, while he’s still young. A grooming kit is a great addition to your puppy’s stocking.

Puppy Play Zone

Make little Fido’s outdoor time even more fun by adding a puppy playground to your yard. A doghouse is of course a great gift. A kiddie pool or sandbox are also great options. You can also incorporate ramps, tunnels, and toys.

Happy Holidays! Please contact us, your Marietta, GA pet clinic, anytime! We’re here to help!

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