
Get Your Cat’s Weight Under Control

Your orange tabby cat Ruby has always been a feline femme fatale. Since Ruby was a kitten, her striking colors and fit feline figure have made her the envy of female (and male) cats throughout your neighborhood. However, when Ruby became a middle-aged cat, she reduced her activity levels while scarfing down her adult cat diet. Now, Ruby has gotten rounder in the stomach, causing her to waddle when she sashays down the street. Since this conflicts with Ruby’s well-cultivated image, she has asked your veterinarian from Smyrna for some weight loss assistance. Read more about cats’ weight problems.

Nationwide Obesity Epidemic

Ruby has plenty of company, as thousands of pet cats nationwide have become obese. Basically, they’ve consumed too many calories for their lower activity levels. In fact, roughly 40 to 50 percent of these couch potato cats are now overweight. These extra pounds heighten cats’ risks for medical problems such as overstressed muscles, ligaments, and joints. Extra weight also makes Ruby more susceptible to osteoarthritis and soft-tissue injuries.

Feline Nutritional Puzzle

If Ruby was in charge, she’d chase and consume mice all day; and she’d finish off her entrees with a songbird for dessert. Because cats are instinctive carnivores who crave protein, this diet would suit Ruby perfectly. However, this isn’t an acceptable choice.

Commercial cat foods might not provide the proteins Ruby needs. Many cat foods incorporate plant proteins; and Ruby doesn’t metabolize them as efficiently as animal-based proteins. Ruby also lacks enzymes that metabolize higher amounts of carbohydrates; and this results in her body storing the surplus carbs as fat. Finally, Ruby’s treats provide too many calories; as they’re loaded with carbs and flavor enhancers that make your cat ravenously hungry.

Complete Medical Evaluation

First, your vet must medically evaluate Ruby before he can reboot her nutritional plan. Ruby will receive a complete physical exam, along with a urine test and bloodwork. After all, your vet wants to rule out metabolic conditions and/or physical ailments that might prevent Ruby from safely dropping some weight.

Redesigned Nutritional Plan

After studying Ruby’s exam and test results, your Smyrna vet will design a nutritional program that will help your cat lose weight while she gets the proper nourishment. Your vet might recommend a special diet; and he might instruct you to replace Ruby’s free-access feeding with a more structured feeding plan.

Of course, Ruby will improve her weight loss odds with regular exercise. Consider a laser toy Ruby can chase around the room; or perhaps a dangling feathered bird or wind-up scurrying mouse would work. Give Ruby more daily playtime sessions, too. Over time, Ruby should become a healthier, more active cat who more fully enjoys her life.

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